Reindeers in flight and dancing sugar plums, gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and the transformation of ‘bah Humbug’ to festive cheer - it can only be the magic of Christmas. Dreams, stories and traditions are tied up like shimmering bows as we suspend our disbelief, daily grind and differences to usher in Santa Claus, nativity plays and goodwill to all men.
Enter the Omaze Million Pound House Draw, supporting the RSPCA, and next year you could be embracing your most enchanting yuletide yet, in this Magical House in Somerset worth over £3,000,000, along with £100,000 in cash.

Next year, you and your loved ones could step into Christmas in this breathtaking six bedroom country home near Bath, complete with a drawing room, separate study, state-of-the art kitchen, dining room, lounge and acres of beautiful grounds.
Amass in this elegant drawing room on Christmas morning, cosied up in soft creams and powder blue velvets, to share hot drinks and excitement - peek into stockings (hung by the chimney with care, of course) and under the glittering tree to confirm that, yes, he’s been!

Embark on the usual Christmas Day stroll, only this time it’s in acres of your own grounds of impressively striped lawns, herbaceous borders, fields and woodland - home to mature oak, redwood and white mulberry trees. Heap finishing touches for the table into a trug as you walk - branches of fir, holly and handfuls of pinecones. Return to your front door, a demure shade of taupe adorned with twin, red-berry wreaths and framed by arching wisteria. The rubble stone facade and classical symmetry of this historical coach house brings a backdrop of perfect order to the seasonal revelry unfolding within.

Your Tom Howley designed, Aegean blue and white quartz kitchen soon fills with the sound of oven doors and pan lids opening and closing, as radio carol sing-a-longs rise up amid clouds of steam and mouth-watering aromas. Your larder and pantry offer up the finest foods as many hands make light work of a hearty Christmas breakfast.

The calm of the dining room, with its view of the lush, manicured grass and gardens outside, stately crown-ash table and neutral fabrics, showcases the sumptuous feast at its centre. Your dearest family and friends pull up their chairs across from one another, beneath a vast sky light that draws in the pale winter sun overhead. There’s a lull as everyone takes a moment to give thanks for being here, before helping themselves a plentiful Christmas dinner.
Young and old gradually disperse - some linger at the table, engrossed in long-awaited catch ups, while others head to sit on linen-blend sofas by the flickering flames of the lounge’s double-sided log burner to play charades and exchange gifts.

Later that evening, you draw the floor length curtains that frame your luxury bedroom’s views to the North, South and West. As moonlight falls on your William Morris fabric headboard, the lure of your pillow-soft bed is too great to resist. All is quiet, as the silent magic of Christmas and of dreams come true presides.

For your chance to win this Magical House in Somerset, and support the RSPCA, enter the Omaze Million Pound House Draw, Somerset, now.