A working, horse-driven olive press in the heart of Caimari is testimony to its tranquil pace of life, enjoyed hand in hand with nature. This pretty village in northern Mallorca is famed for its traditionally made olive oil and even holds an annual Fira de l’Oliva festival to celebrate the tiny stone fruit - a universally cherished symbol of peace, prosperity and the good life.

Caimari is nestled in the foothills of the breathtaking Serra de Tramuntana mountain range, which runs parallel to the island’s north-west coast. Around a fifteen minute walk away is this stunning villa, set in beautiful gardens with a heated pool.

Wake up in luxury, to another carefree day, and stroll into Caimari past olive groves, almond plantations and traditional stone villas that are awash with Mediterranean lime render and capped with sun-baked terracotta tiles. In the village, narrow, sloping streets offer cool, shaded spots between high stone walls, as well as hillside vantage points that reveal majestic mountains basking in sunshine.

UNESCO has awarded Tramuntana thriving landscape World Heritage status to protect its charming and unique character. Centuries of resourceful farming have created a distinct jigsaw of terraced plots, cobbled roads, drystone walls and watermills among the natural beauty of rugged rock, steep climbs and diverse forests.

All around you abundance abounds - as you walk, admire cascades of papery pink flowers and glossy trees offering up shining, ripe lemons and blushing pomegranates, splitting open in the heat of the midday sun. At Caimari’s market, fill a basket with a rainbow of fruit and vegetables, goats cheese, jam, honey, bread and, of course, olives and bottles of golden oil.

Enjoy resting in the welcome shadow of the Santa Maria de Caimari’s early 18th century Baroque splendour with a cold drink. You contemplate that, another time, you may trek the painstakingly-laid stone steps up to the sacred ground of the Santuai de Lluc monastery - the most important holy site on the island.

As a gateway to the Serra de Tramuntana, Caimari is a paradise for hikers and cyclists. One day you may travel high into the hills and admire the village from above - taking time to spot rowans, maples and yews, the hardy Balearic oak, strawberry trees laden with clusters of crimson pom poms and delicate rock violet flowers. The mountain air, scented with rosemary and thyme, is home to eagles, falcons and owls as well as colonies of seabirds. If you’re looking for a challenge, you might even set your sights on the Puig Major - the highest peak in the Balearics at, standing at nearly 1.5km above sea level.
However, sometimes the wonderful thing about knowing adventures awaits, is that it’s enough to help you relax a little deeper into doing as little as possible. Today, an amble home in the afternoon sunshine to cool off in your pool and enjoy your local delicacies on a sumptuous outdoor sofa is sufficient. And for the rest? There’s always Mañana.

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