Hands up who ever felt lost, overwhelmed or disorientated as a teenager? It’s a bittersweet time for most of us to look back on - exciting on the one hand and scary on the other. For most, it’s a time of hope, experimentation and the absolute conviction that we’re going to do everything far better than our parents did!
Now imagine trying to face the shock and trauma of a cancer diagnosis at that time, just as it feels that life is really beginning.
Every day, seven people aged 13-24 will hear the words “you have cancer”. They will each need specialised nursing and support to stop the disease damaging their futures. Facing cancer during life’s most formative years without proper care in place can have dire consequences. Managing life with this disease as you try to build your identity, form more grown up relationships and lay the academic and practical foundations of your future requires a unique support system. Teenage Cancer Trust offers this support system in several ways and your entries in the Marbella Superdraw will help them to reach more teenagers and young adults who desperately need their help.
Teenage Cancer Trust fund specialised nurses, youth workers and NHS hospital units so young people have dedicated support during their treatment.
Teenage Cancer Trust nurses are specially trained in how cancer affects teenagers and young adults and have smaller caseloads to allow them to get to know each young person better. They understand how to help manage the impact cancer has on things like emotions, friendships, studies, work and relationships – as well as providing world-class medical care.

Youth Workers
Youth Support Coordinators work alongside Teenage Cancer Trust’s nursing teams to help young people deal with the emotional and practical impact of cancer. Their role is non-medical, so they’re 100% focused on an individual, not their diagnosis. They’re on hand to support young people with cancer with everything from concerns about school, college or employers to fears about how they will look or losing their hair, friendships, relationships, fertility, mental health and returning to normal life.
Teenage Cancer Trust Units
Teenage Cancer Trust units are specially designed spaces where young people facing cancer can feel at home, meet others their age, welcome family and friends, and get the very best care from dedicated nurses and youth support teams.
For your chance to help out this life-changing charity and to win a £2,000,000 villa in Marbella and £250,000 just enter the Marbella Superdraw now.
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